指導老師 |
胡植慶 Jyr-Ching HU 電 話 : (02) 23636450 ext. 312 (02) 2363-4860 (02) 2364-6179
地 址 : 臺灣大學地質科學系 全球變遷中心312研究室
學歷 1991 - 1995 法國巴黎第六大學博士。 1987 - 1989 臺灣大學地質學研究所碩士。 1981 - 1985 臺灣大學地質學系學士。
個人經歷 2011/08 - 迄今 臺灣大學地質科學系專任教授。 2005/08 - 2011/07 臺灣大學地質科學系專任副教授。 2002/01 - 2005/08 臺灣大學地質科學系專任助理教授。 2000/07 - 2000/12 法國國家科學中心訪問副研究員。 1998/12 - 2002/02 教育部臺灣省中等學校教師研習會助理研究員。 1998/10 - 2002/01 法國巴黎第六大學訪問學者。 1998/01 - 2002/01 成功大學地球科學系兼任助理教授。 1997/09 - 1998/08 臺南師範學院自然科學教育學系兼任助理教授。 1996/04 - 1998/12 中央研究院地球科學研究所博士後研究。 1985/06 - 1987/04 中華民國陸軍士官學校少尉排長兼地球科學教官。
得獎紀錄 1991 臺灣教育部中法科技交流獎學金。 1991 法國CNOUS獎學金。 1999 國家科學研究委員會(NSC)甲等研究獎。 2000 國家科學研究委員會(NSC)甲等研究獎。 2004 臺灣大學校優良教師獎。 2004 臺灣大學研究貢獻獎 2009 臺灣大學共同教育中心通識課程優良教師 2010 臺灣大學共同教育中心通識課程優良教師 2010 教育部顧問室大學跨學門科學人才培育銜接計畫銅牌獎 2011 臺灣大學共同教育中心通識課程傑出教師
專長領域 地體動力學;數值模擬;大地測量;衛星遙測影像
教授課程 地球物理資料處理;斷層力學;遙測影像概論;地球構造;野外地質學 |
訪問學者 |
袁仁茂 (Yuan Ren-mao) 國籍:中國 學歷:中國科學院地質和地球物理研究所博士 訪問期間:2011/05/01~2011/07/31 現職:中國地震局地質研究所副研究員 研究方向:地質災害與地質工程. 活動構造 聯絡方式 :yuanrm@google.mail.com 個人網頁: |
李子山 (Le Tu Son) 國籍:越南 研究期間:1998/03-1998/10 現職:Senior Researcher, Head Earthquake Monitering Department, Hanoi Institute of Geophysics 研究方向: 聯絡方式: sonlt50@fpt.vn 個人網頁: |
博士後研究 |
Huw Mithan 國籍 : 英國 British 研究期間 : 2019/12-迄今 研究領域 : 地形學 專長嗜好 : 邊坡穩定分析,InSAR分析 |
蘇哲 (Zhe Su) Zhe Su 國籍:中國 研究期間:2012/4/1- 研究方向:大地構造學、數值模擬、低溫熱年代學、GPS、地震學 興趣愛好:籃球、旅遊、聲音傳奇、小品相聲創作
研究發表: Su Z., Wang E., Furlong K. P., Shi X., Wang G., and Fan C., 2011, Young, active conjugate strike-slip deformation in West Sichuan: evidence for the stress-strain pattern of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: International Geology Review. Doi:10.1080/00206814.2011.583491
Su Z., Liu J., Zhang L., and Wang E., 2011, Quantifying the late stage topographic evolution of orogenic belts by Fast Fourier Transform spectral analysis: Appications in the Dabie and Micang Shan, China and Sierra Nevada, U.S.A.: Chinese Journal of Geology, v. 46, no. 3, p.743-762.
Wang E., Su Z., and Xu G., 2009, A case study on lateral extrusion occurred along some orogenic belts in China: Chinese Journal of Geology, v. 44, no. 4, p. 1266-1288.
聯絡方式: zhe.suess@gmail.com |
吳善薇 (Sin Mei Ng) sin mei 國籍:台灣 研究期間:2010/9/1~2011/7/31 現職:中國文化大學地質科學系助理教授 研究方向:Seismic hazard assessment, remote sensing 得獎紀錄:
2005法國在台協會與中央大學共同簽署之共同獎學金 2010中央大學學生研究成果發表績效獎金 |
研究發表: [Journal Papers]
Yen, J.Y., Chen, K.S., Chang, C.P. & Ng, S.M., 2006. Deformation and “deformation quiescence” prior to the Chi-Chi earthquake evidenced by DInSAR and groundwater records during 1995-2002 in Central Taiwan, Earth Planets Space, 58, 805-813. (SCI)
Ng, S.M., Angelier, J. & Chang, C.P., 2009. Earthquake cycle in Western Taiwan: Insights from historical seismicity, Geophys. J. Int. 178, 753-774. (SCI)
[Other publications]
聯絡方式: sin_mei_josephine_ng@hotmail.com |
陳卉瑄 (Kate)
國籍:台灣 研究期間:2008/01-2008/06 現職:國立台灣師範大學地球科學系 副教授 研究方向:觀測地震學. 地震物理模型模擬 聯絡方式: katepili@gmail.com 個人網頁:http://web.cc.ntnu.edu.tw/~katepili/ |
研究發表: [Journal Papers] K. H. Chen, Nadeau, R. M., and Rau, R. J. (2007). Towards a universal rule on the recurrence interval scaling of repeating earthquakes?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L16308, doi:10.1029/2007GL030554.
R. J. Rau, Chen, K. H., and Ching, K. E. (2007). Repeating earthquakes and seismic potential along the northern Longitudinal Valley fault of eastern Taiwan, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L24301, doi:10.1029/2007GL031622.
K. H. Chen, S. Toda and Rau, R. J., (2008). A leaping, triggered sequence along a segmented fault: the 1951 Hualien – Taitung earthquake sequence in eastern Taiwan, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B02304, doi:10.1029/2007JB005048.
K. H. Chen, Nadeau, R. M., and Rau, R. J. (2008). Characteristic repeating microearthquakes on an arc-continent collision boundary - the Chihshang fault of eastern Taiwan, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 276, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.09.021.
K. H. Chen, Rau, R. J., and Hu, J. C. (2009). Variability of the repeating earthquakes behavior along the Longitudinal Valley fault zone of eastern Taiwan, J. Geophys. Res., 114, B05306, doi:10.1029/2007JB005518.
K. H. Chen, Burgmann, R., and Nadeau, R. M. (2010), Triggering effect of M 4-5 earthquakes on the earthquake cycle of repeating events at Parkfield, , Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 100, 2, doi: 10.1785/0120080369.
K. H. Chen, Burgmann, R., Nadeau, R. M., T. Chen, N. Lapusta (2010), Postseismic variations in seismic moment and recurrence interval of small repeating events, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 299,118-125, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.08.027.
D. H. Lin, Chen, K. H., Rau, R. J., and Hu, J. C. (2010), Stress interactions within the 1935 M7.1 Hsinchu-Taichung earthquake sequence in central Taiwan, to be submitted. |
馬玉甫 (Yves Mazabraud)
國籍:法國 研究期間: 現職:Maitre de conference, Departement de Geologie, Universite des Antilles et de la Guyane, Guadeloupe 研究方向: 聯絡方式: mazab@iufm.univ-ag.fr 個人網頁: |
博士畢業生 |
唐昭榮 研究方向:離散元素法、數值模擬 專長嗜好:Sleep 目前狀態:臺南市永康國民小學老師 聯絡方式: d92224002@ntu.edu.tw 論文題目:The Tsaoling landslide triggered by the Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan :Insights from a discrete element simulation 研究發表: Hou, C.-S., Hu, J.-C., Chen, Y.-G., Chen, C.-L., Cheng, L.-W., Tang, C.-L., Huang, S.-H., Lo, C.-H., 2009. The crustal deformation of the Ilan Plain acted as a westernmost extension of the Okinawa Trough. Tectonophysics, 466, 344-355, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2007.11.022. (SCI)
Tang, C.-L., Hu, J.-C., Lin, M.-L., Angelier, J., Lu, C.-Y., Chan, Y.-C., Chu, H.-T., 2009. The Tsaoling landslide triggered by the Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan: Insights from a discrete element simulation. Eng. Geol., 106, 1-19, doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2009.02.011. (SCI)
Tang, C.-L., Hu, J.-C., Lo, C.-M., Lin, M.-L., 2009. The catastrophic 1999 Tsaoling and 2009 Hsiaolin landslides: Preliminary study from 3-D distinct element modeling. Sino-Geotechnics, 122, 143-152. (in Chinese with English abstract)
彭葦、唐昭榮、曾佳漢、黃鐘、胡植慶(2008)直擊現場---淺談汶川地震。科學月刊,463期,522-525頁。 |
侯進雄 (與陳于高教授共同指導) 研究方向: 專長嗜好: 聯絡方式: hcs@moeacgs.gov.tw 論文題目:台灣活動斷層構造相關地殼變形監測研究 研究發表: Shen, L.-C., Hou, C.-S., Hu, J.-C., Chan, Y.-C., Huang, C., Lai, T.-C., Lin C.-W., 2003. GPS measurements of active structure in Pingtung area, southwestern Taiwan. Spec. Publ. Cent. Geol. Surv., 14, 165-176.
Rau R.-J., King, K.-E., Hsieh, T.-H., Yu, C.-I., Hou, C.-S. Lee, Y.-H. Hu, J.-C., Chan, Y.-C., Lee, J.-C., Hung, J.-H., 2003, Surface Deformation and Earthquake Potential of Tainan Tableland, Southwestern Taiwan. Spec. Publ. Cent. Geol. Surv., 14, 147-156.
Hou, C.-S., Chen, Y.-G., Lin, C.-W., Chen, C.-L., Hu, J.-C., Wang, J.-S., 2003. Recent crustal deformation of Chianan Area, southwestern Taiwan. Spec. Publ. Cent. Geol. Surv., 14, 141-147.
Hou, C.-S., Chen, Y.-G., Lin, C.-W., Chen, C.-L., Hu, J.-C., Wang, J.-S., 2003. Recent crustal deformation of Kaoping Area, southern Taiwan. Spec. Publ. Cent. Geol. Surv., 14, 173-180. Hou, C.-S., Hu, J.-C., Shen, L.-C., Wang, J.-S., Chen, C.-L., Lai, T.-C., Huang, C., Yang, Y.-R., Chen, R.-F., Chen, Y.-G., Angelier, J., 2005. Estimation of subsidence using GPS measurements, and related hazard: The Pingtung Plain, southwestern Taiwan. C. R. Geoscience, 337, 1184-1193. (SCI)
Hu, J.-C., Chu, H.-T. Hou, C.-S., Chen, R.-F., Lai, T.-H., Nien P.-F., 2006. The contribution to tectonic subsidence by groundwater abstraction in the Pingtung area, southwestern Taiwan as determined by GPS measurements. Quatern. Int., 147, 62-69. (SCI)
Wu, Y-M., Chen, Y.-G., Shin, T.-C., Kuochen, H., Hou, C.-S., Hu, J.-C., Chang, C.-H., Wu, C.-F., Teng, T.-L., 2006. Coseismic versus interseismic ground deformations, fault rupture inversion and segmentation revealed by 2003 Mw 6.8 Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L02312, doi:10.1029/2005GL024711. (SCI)
Hu, J.-C., Hou, C.-S., Shen, L.-C., Chan, Y.-C., Chen, R.-F., Huang, C., Rau, R.-J., K.H., Chen, Lin, C.-W., Huang, M.-H., Nien, P.-F., 2007. Fault activity and lateral extrusion inferred from velocity field revealed by GPS measurements in the Pingtung area of southwestern Taiwan. J. Asian Earth Sci., 35, 287-302, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2006.07.020. (SCI)
Chiu, Y.-T., Ching, K.-E., Hou, C.-S., Hu, J.-C., Rau, R.-J., 2008. Crustal deformation of Ilan plain from GPS observation, 2002-2006. Spec. Publ. Cent. Geol. Surv., 20, 111-124. (in Chinese with English abstract)
Hou, C.-S., Hu, J.-C., Chen, Y.-G., Chen, C.-L., Cheng, L.-W., Tang, C.-L., Huang, S.-H., Lo, C.-H., 2009. The crustal deformation of the Ilan Plain acted as a westernmost extension of the Okinawa Trough. Tectonophysics, 466, 344-355, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2007.11.022. (SCI) 林冠全、胡植慶、童忻、辛在勤、余水倍、郭隆晨、侯進雄(2009)GPS及InSAR技術觀測的台灣地表變形。地質,第28卷,第3期,44-49頁。 |
林冠全 (共同指導: 尼斯大學 Jean-Mathieu Nocquet, Bertrand Delouis, Nicole Bethoux) 台灣大學-尼斯大學雙學位獎學金 研究方向:大地測量、地表變形分析 專長嗜好:旅遊、語言、游泳 聯絡方式: d97224010@ntu.edu.tw can0168@yahoo.com.tw 論文題目:利用連續全球衛星定位系統與地震波反演探討集集地震震後地殼變形與甲仙地震同震變形 研究發表:
Hu, J.-C., Cheng, L.-W. Chen, H.-Y., Wu, Y.-M., Lee, J.-C., Chen, Y.-G., Lin, K.-C., Rau, R.-J., Kuochen, H., Chen, H.-H., Yu, S.-B., Angelier J., 2007. Coseismic deformation revealed by inversion of strong motion and GPS data: the 2003 Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan. Geophys. J. Int., 169, 667-674, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03359.x. (SCI)
Lin, K.-C., Hu, J.-C., Ching, K.-E., Angelier, J., Rau, R.-J., Yu, S.-B., Tsai, C.-H., Shin, T.-C., Huang, M.-H., 2010. GPS crustal deformation, strain rate and seismic activity after the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan. J. Geophys. Res., 115, B07404, doi:10.1029/2009JB006417. |
楊宜蓉(Yang Yi-Rong ) 研究方向:地震震源、構造地球物理學 專 長:離散元素分析Particle Flow Code(PFC2D和PFC3D) 興 趣:數學、物理、漫畫、日文歌 b l o g : http://bird212212.spaces.live.com/ 得獎紀錄:
93學年度台北縣政府獎學金 應用地質技師證照 曾任台大地質科學研究所所學會會長 95年臺灣地球物理年會壁報比賽優等獎 97年臺灣構造地質研討會壁報比賽優等獎
聯絡方式: f93224206@ntu.edu.tw
論文題目:大地震引致之近地表變形的分析與地殼應力及強度的反衍 |
吳育雅 研究方向:InSAR在地殼變形上的應用 專長嗜好:閱讀 聯絡方式: gaia.wu@gmail.com 論文題目:應用持久性散射體差分干涉法研究台灣西南部活動變形 |
謝有忠 (與詹瑜璋老師共同指導) 研究方向:光達、地形分析 專長嗜好:四處遊樂、攝影 聯絡方式: hsiehyc@moeacgs.gov.tw 論文題目:陳有蘭溪流域土石流發育之地質控制 |
陳致言 研究方向:井下應變儀 專長嗜好: 聯絡方式: zychen@moeacgs.gov.tw 論文題目: 研究發表: |
童 忻 目前狀態: 中央研究院博士後研究 研究方向:InSAR 專長嗜好:音樂、打球、旅遊 研究發表: 利用永久散射體雷達干涉技術分析地表變形 : 以臺灣西南部平原為例 林冠全、胡植慶、童忻、辛在勤、余水倍、郭隆晨、侯進雄(2009)GPS及InSAR技術觀測的台灣地表變形。地質,第28卷,第3期,44-49頁。
聯絡方式: r95224206@ntu.edu.tw 論文題目:利用永久散射體雷達干涉技術分析地表變形:以臺灣西南部平原為例 Analysis of Surface Deformation Based on PS-InSAR Technique: Case Studies in Coastal Plain, SW Taiwan |
博士生 |
肖晶晶 研究方向: 專長嗜好: 獲獎與發表紀錄: 論文題目 : 基於GEE的遙感災害監測(暫定) |
孫正瑋 研究方向: 地表地形構造判釋 Geological structure interpretation based on geomorphology、GPS測量 GPS surveying、無人機測繪Drone surveying、點雲處理技術 point clouds processing techniques 專長嗜好: 攝影Photography、GIS系統 GIS operation、程式設計Programming (python) 獲獎與發表紀錄: 高精度數值地形應用於褶皺與逆衝斷層帶之調查研究 (2014), Undergraduate Research Program, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica Sun, C.W., Chen, W.H. and Chiu, C.H. (2014). Geological Mapping Using High- resolution Topographic Data in 3D Environments, Undergraduate Research Program, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica Sun, C.W., Chan, Y.C., Yeh, C.S. and Hsieh, Y.C. (2015). 以高精度數值地形描 述北部大溪墘背斜幾何型態與追蹤新店-牡丹坑斷層地表位置, poster presented in 2015 Annual Congress of Geological Society Located in Taipei & Chinese Taipei Geophysical Society , Taipei, Taiwan. Sun, C.W., Chan, Y.C., Yeh, C.S. and Hsieh, Y.C. (2016). 以高精度數值地形模 型對輕度變質岩區進行構造判釋-以宜蘭三星地區之始新-漸新世地層為例, 2016 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan. Sun, C.W., Chan, Y.C., Mo, C.S. and Lee, J.C. (2017). 使用 PIV 對池上斷層破 裂面進行變形測量:影像前處理與初步結果, poster presented in 2017 Annual Congress of Geological Society Located in Taipei & Chinese Taipei Geophysical Society, Tainan, Taiwan. Sun, C.W., Chan, Y.C., Mo, C.S. and Lee, J.C. (2018). 使用攝影測量及 PIV 分 析池上斷層破裂面變形之初步成果, poster presented in 2018 Annual Congress of Geological Society Located in Taipei & Chinese Taipei Geophysical Society, Chiayi, Taiwan. Sun, C.W. (2019) Using high resolution DEM to improve the geologic map in low- grade metamorphism area – a case study in Toucheng Map (Master Thesis). Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.6342/NTU201901740. Taipei: National Taiwan University. d.o.i.: 10.6342/NTU201901740. 論文題目 : (暫定)以迭代邊界回歸面地面點標記法對無人機載光達點雲進行地面點分類 (tentative)Applying a new ground point filter using moving windows and iterating point labeling method to UAV-borne LiDAR data |
曹博涵 研究方向: 多時序InSAR分析(Multi-temporal InSAR analysis),深層崩塌災害(Deep-seated landslide) 專長嗜好: 電腦繪圖(CG artwork),影片編輯(Video editing) 獲獎與發表紀錄: 曹博涵。 (2019)。 以遙測影像與數值模擬分析油車寮地滑之特性(碩士論文)。國立臺灣大學,臺北市。 論文題目 : 多時序InSAR於深層崩塌災害預警之應用(暫定) Application of Multi-Temporal InSAR on the Early Warning for Deep-seated landslides |
謝隆欽 研究方向: 車瓜林斷層潛勢 The potential risk of Chekualin fault 專長嗜好: Earth sciences 獲獎與發表紀錄: 論文題目 : 車瓜林斷層潛勢 The potential risk of Chekualin fault |
諾艾凡(IVAN FRANCISCO CASALLAS NOPE ) 研究方向: 專長嗜好: 獲獎與發表紀錄: 論文題目 : |
呂喬茵 目前狀態: 國家災害防救科技中心 (NCDR)坡地與洪旱組 研究方向:離散元素分析(PFC3D)應用於山崩模擬、合成孔徑雷達於大規模潛在山崩調查之應用 專長嗜好:旅遊、唱歌、逛街、睡覺、吃!!! 得獎紀錄:地球系統科學研究大賽第一名 聯絡方式: chiao0209@hotmail.com 論文題目: |
李易叡 ( 小猛 ) 目前狀態:財團法人中興工程顧問社 研究方向:活動斷層潛勢評估、有限元素動力模型 專長嗜好:GIS資料處理、地震危害度分析、棒球 獲獎與發表紀錄:Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies) 13. 謝寶珊、林柏伸、李易叡、鄭錦桐(2012)新北市鄰近主要孕震源境況模擬與地震災害損失推估。 (101/11/16 2012 台灣災害管理研討會) 14. Yi-Rui Lee, Kuo-Shih Shao, Shu-Yung Chi, Chih-Hao Tan, Chung-Hui Chiao (2012) Assessment of Potential Capacity for CO2 Geological Storage in Taiwan. (101/11 2012 Taiwan Symposium on Carbon Dioxide Capture, Storage and Utilization) 15. 邵國士、李易叡、俞旗文、葛文忠、冀樹勇(2013)台西盆地二氧化碳地質封存特性與封存量之探討 (102年 中興工程季刊,第118期,第3-12頁) 16. 李易叡、鄭錦桐、胡植慶、李建成、賴慈華(2013)潛移行為活動斷層地震潛勢評估方法-以池上斷層為例 (102/05 臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會,龍潭) 17. Chung-Hui CHIAO, Kuo-Shih SHAO, Yi-Rui LEE, Chi-Wen YU, Ming-Wei YANG, Chia-Yu LU (2013) Effective Storage Capacity Study in a Deep Saline Aquifer within a Young Sedimentary Basin. (102年 Energy Procedia Vol. 37, pp. 4612–4619) 18. 李易叡(2013)重大設施活動斷層調查技術 (102/12 水利土木科技資訊,第58期,第27-32頁) 19. 李易叡、鄭錦桐、胡植慶、賴慈華、盧詩丁(2014)活動斷層發震機率評估-以車籠埔斷層為例 (103/05 中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會103年年會暨學術研討會) 20. 顏銀桐、李易叡、謝寶珊、林柏伸、邵國士、鄭錦桐、張玉粦(2015)地震防災從地震危害度、活動斷層潛勢與強地動評估談起(工程:中國工程師學會會刊,88卷05期) 21. 李易叡、鄭錦桐 (2016) 潛移行為之活動斷層潛勢評估(2016臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會) 22. Yi-Rui Lee, Chin-Tung Cheng, Kuo-Shih Shao, Yi-Rung Chuang, Jyr-Ching Hu, Tzu-Hua Lai, and Shih-Ting Lu (2016) Earthquake Probability Assessment for the Active Faults in Central Taiwan: A Case Study. (Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol. 27, No. 3, 341-357.) 23. Yirui Lee (2016) Earthquake probability assessment for the active faults in Taiwan. (GSDI 15th World Conference, Nov. 28-Dec.2, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan.) 24. 邵國士、李易叡、蕭震洋、冀樹勇、黃誌誠(2016) 三維GIS技術於大地及地質工程之應用(地工技術,第149期,第67-78頁) 25. 李易叡、鄭錦桐、胡植慶、盧詩丁(2018)活動斷層發生機率評估-以米崙斷層為例(2018臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會) 26. 蕭震洋、李易叡、周立生(2018)以數值地形及三維地質資料評析石門水庫匹亞崩塌地(土木水利,第四十五卷第三期,第34-44頁) 27. 莊怡蓉、李易叡、陳憶萍、郭鶯萍、張喭汝、丁禕、徐澔德、鄭錦桐、林殿順 (2018) 應用於地震危害度分析之台灣陸域活動斷層(2018臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會) 28. Yi-Rui Lee, Chin-Tung Cheng, Yi-Rung Chuang, Jyr-Ching Hu, Tzu-Hua Lai, and Shih-Ting Lu(2018)Earthquake probability assessment for the active faults in Taiwan. 2018 Taiwan-Korea-Japan Joint Symposium. 29. Yi-Jui Lee, Yin-Tung Yen, Kuo-En Ching, Wu-Lung Chang, Ray Y. Chuang (2019) The influence of fault slip rate uncertainty on earthquake probability estimation – a case study in Northern Taiwan. International Conference in Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake Taipei, Taiwan. 30. Yin-Tung Yen, Yi-Rui Lee, Yi-Rung Chuang, J. Bruce H. Shyu, Kuo-Shih Shao, Shen-Hsiung Liang, and Chien-Liang Chen (2019) Re-evaluation of Earthquake Probability Assessment for the Active Faults in Taiwan. The 2019 Japan-New Zealand-Taiwan Seismic Hazard Workshop. 31. Jyr-Ching Hu and Yi-Jui Lee (2019) Long-term fault slip rates and distributed deformation rates in Taiwan orogenic belt by finite-element kinematic model. The 2019 Japan-New Zealand-Taiwan Seismic Hazard Workshop. 32. Jyr-Ching Hu and Yi-Jui Lee (2019) Analysis of the Long-term Fault Slip Rates and Distributed Deformation rates in Taiwan Orogenic Belt by Finite-element Kinematic Model. AGU Fall meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA. 33. 顏銀桐、李易叡、林柏伸、謝寶珊、謝銘哲(2019)斷層活動潛勢與地震危害度的評估與應用。地質,第38卷第3期,第59~62頁。 34. 李易叡、黃宣維(2021)藉由地質平衡剖面建立三維地質模型-以新竹地區為例。中興季刊,152期,第23至29頁。 聯絡方式: r94224212@ntu.edu.tw 論文題目:利用有限元素動力模型分析臺灣造山帶之分散式變形速率及活動斷層長期滑移速率 |
黃宣維 目前狀態: 台灣電力公司 研究方向:GPS分析與構造平衡剖面的關係 專長嗜好:音樂,睡覺 得獎紀錄:2008年中研院暑期生海報佳作 聯絡方式: r98224201@ntu.edu.tw msn blog: 論文題目: |
梁勝雄 (Liang, Shen-Hsiung) 研究方向:Pseudotachylyte (physical property, chemical composition and tectonic environment) 專長嗜好:eating、drinking、pupu、pipi〈吃喝拉撒?〉
得獎紀錄: Scholarship of National Central University, 2006 Honor Graduate Award of College of Earth Science, National Central University, 2005 聯絡方式: d01224001@ntu.edu.tw 研究發表:
Journal Paper
Chu, H. -T, Lee, J. -C., Bergerat, F., Hu, J. -C., Liang, S. -H., Angelier, J., Lu, C. -Y., Lee, T. -Q. (accepted). How compression is related to the formation of faults and joints across a mountain belt in northern Taiwan. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France. (Submitted) Chu, H. -T., Liang, S. -H., Lee, J. -C. and Chen, J. -L. (in press). A new view on the Hukou Fault: Discovery of a branch fault in the hanging wall and structural analyses. Special Publication of the Central Geological Survey. (In Chinese, abstract in English) Liang, S. -H., Chu, H. -T. and Lee, J. -C. (2011). Surface locking of creeping fault: a case study of the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan. Ti-Chih (Geology), vol. 30, no. 4, p. 76-81. (In Chinese) Liang, S. -H., Chu, H. -T. and Tsai, W. –T. (2011). Potential Resources for Rare-Earth Elements in Pacific Ocean and Environment pollution by mining Rare-Earth Elements. Ti-Chih (Geology), vol. 30, no. 3, p. 17-19. (In Chinese) Liang, S. -H., Chu, H. -T. and Chen, J. -L. (2011). Eruption of Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Volcanic Complex, Chile. Ti-Chih (Geology) , vol. 30, no. 3, p. 68-73. (In Chinese) Liang, S. -H., Chu, H. -T. and Lee, J. -C. (2011). Geological assessment of the Christchurch earthquake sequences in New Zealand. Ti-Chih (Geology), vol. 30, no. 1, p. 8-13. (In Chinese) Chu, H. -T. and Liang, S. -H. (2011). Being careful the law, earth scientists. Ti-Chih (Geology), vol. 30, no. 1, p. 85. (In Chinese) Liang, S. -H. and Chen, Y. -P. (2009). When the Sea-level Chang. News of National Museum of Natural Science, vol. 265, a-5, 8 pp. (In Chinese)
Conference Paper
Chu, H. -T., Liang, S. -H., Lee, J. -C. (2012). The Significance of the Surface Ructure of Active Faults in Taiwan: Cases of the Chihshang Fault and the Hukou Fault. Meeting for Central Geological Survey, MOEA, 23rd April 2011, New Taipei City, Taiwan. (Abstract in Chinese) Chen, Z. –Y., Kao, M. -C., Chu, H. -T., Jiang, Y. –L., Huang, C. –Y., Liang, S. –H., Lai, T. –H., Lu, S.-T. (2012). Active Fault Observation and Research on Earthquake Potential in Taiwan: a Case of the Chihshang Fault. Meeting for Central Geological Survey, MOEA, 23rd April 2011, New Taipei City, Taiwan. (Abstract in Chinese) Chu, H. -T., Hu, J. -C., Bergerat, F., Lee, J. -C., Liang , S. -H., Angelier, J., Lu, C. -Y., (2011). Fault and Joint Patterns across a Mountain Belt in northern Taiwan. Meeting in memory of Jacques ANGELIER, 17th Nov., Paris, French. (Abstract in English) Chu, H. -T., Hu, J. -C., Bergerat, F., Lee, J. -C., Angelier, J.and Liang, S. -H. (2011). Consistency of compression in Fault and Joint Patterns across a Mountain Belt in Taiwan. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 3-8 April 2011, Vienna, Austria. EGU2011-6638. (Abstract in English) Liang, S. –H., Huang, C. –C. and Chang, C. –P. (2010). Study of the Slope Failure of Hsiaolin Landslide during the Typhoon Morakot by Satellite Images and Tectonic Analysis. The Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, 22-26 Jun. 2010, Taiwan. (Abstract in English) Lu, C. –H., Liang, S. –H, Chang, C. –P and Yen, J. –Y. (2010). Detecting surface deformation of Puli Basin in the southern Hsuehshan Range using Persistent Scatterer and Small-baseline SAR Interferometry. The Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, 22-26 Jun. 2010, Taiwan. (Abstract in English) Lu, C. –H., Liang, S. –H, Chang, C. –P and Yen, J. –Y. (2010). Detecting surface deformation of Puli Basin in the southern Hsuehshan Range using Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of China and Chinese Geophysical Society, 29-30 Apr. 2010, Taiwan. (Abstract in Chinese) Liang, S. -H., Lin, A. -T. and Chang, C.-P. (2007). Tectonic development of the southwest Taiwan foreland basin reveal by stratigraphic and fault-slip analyses. Taiwan Geosciences Assembly, 15-18 May 2007, Taiwan . (Abstract in Chinese) Liang, S. -H., Lin, A. -T. and Chang, C.-P. (2006). Tectonic development of the southwest Taiwan foreland basin revealed from late Miocene to Pleistocene. Symposium of Geophysical Research in Taiwan, 2-3 Nov. 2006, Taiwan. (Abstract in Chinese)
Liang, S. -H. (2007). Basin development and paleo-stress analysis of the southwest Taiwan foreland basin. M. Sc. thesis, National Central University, Taiwan, 143pp. |
邱俊穎 ( 蚯蚓 ) 研究方向: 數值資料處理與數值模擬、斷層活動與地表變形之潛勢評估、平原區淹水潛勢評估、災害地圖制作與分析、時間序列資料處理與分析、雷達遙測影像處理與分析
期刊論文: 1. Chiu, C. Y., Hsieh, C. H., Huang, T. J., Yeh, K. S., Kuan, L. H., Hu, J. C., 2019, A Study for Inundation Mapping After Typhoon and Heavy Rainfall by Using SAR Imagery, Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 24, 211-222. (In Chinese) 2. Chen, Z. Y., Hu, J. C., Liu, C. C., Chiu, C. Y., 2017, The Data Processing and Analysis of Borehole Strainmeter Deployed in Western Foothill of Taiwan, Bulletin of the Central Geological Survey, 30, 55-88(Chinese)。 3. Chiu, C. Y., Hu, J. C., Chen, C. Y., and Liu, H. C., 2008, Reactivation of the Shanchiao Fault and its implication to variation of landforms in Taipei basin. Spec. Publ. Cent. Geol. Surv., 20, 97-110. (In Chinese with English abstract) 4. Chiu, C. Y., 2007, Reactivation of the Shanchiao fault and its implication to the variation of landforms in Taipei basin. M.Sc. thesis, National Taiwan University, 55p. 5. Lai, J. S., Chiu, C. Y., Chang, H. K., Hu, J. C., and Tan, Y. C., 2009, Potential inundation hazards in the Taipei Basin induced by reactivation of the Shanchiao fault in the northern Taiwan. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., accepted. (SCI)
研討會論文: 1. 邱俊穎,胡植慶與謝嘉聲(2019),合成孔徑雷達衛星影像於颱風豪雨後洪水溢淹及堰塞湖之偵測研究,2019臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會。 2. Chiu, C. Y., Hu, J. C., Liu, C. C., & Chen, K. H. (2011, December). Data Processing and Analysis of Borehole Strainmeters: A case study in southwestern Taiwan. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 3. 李清勝、王藝峰、謝俊隆、賴進松、潘宗毅、謝維權、陳淡容、鄭竣益、盧志晃、邱俊穎、王嘉和、劉建位、黃振家、張郁麟,2009,經濟部暨水利署災害應變小組服務團於颱風豪雨期間之運作機制,2009臺灣災害管理研討會。 4. 邱俊穎、胡植慶、賴進松,2007,山腳斷層再活動對於臺北盆地內淹水模式之探討,2007年臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會。 5. 邱俊穎、吳倢瑜、曾鐘億、王詩靚、洪奕星,2004,臺北盆地中新莊一號等四口岩心的沉積相與古環境變遷分析,第十屆「臺灣之第四季」暨「臺北盆地環境變遷」研討會。 6. 曾鐘億、王詩靚、邱俊穎、吳倢瑜、洪奕星,2004,萬里馬鏈溪口沙嘴的成因,第十屆「臺灣之第四季」暨「臺北盆地環境變遷」研討會。 |
碩士生 |
朱曼華、趙柏濂、蔡育廷、陳彥宏、王柏鈞、戴育庭、李庭昀、陳俊彥、褚臻 、尤琇琳、許祐誠、林筠庭 |
碩士畢業生 |
戴育庭、李庭昀、趙柏濂、蔡育廷、呂喬茵、黃宣維、游鎮源、曾羽龍、林承恩、鍾琬君、廖昱茨、廖翊廷、葉庭禎、陳冠翔、黎偉聖、彭葦、黃姝琳、黃筱婷、童忻、邱詠恬、顏郁捷、王芳琳、邱俊穎、黃鐘、李易叡、吳秋雅、曾佳漢、黃孟涵、何宛芸、鄭力瑋、年佩芬、沈里俊 |